Уже и на ДА появляются негодующие с "конструктивной критикой". И, разумеется, отхватил её я длинным и обстоятельным комментарием на английском
буду благодарен тому, кто переведет хотя бы примерно и в общей сути, что там сказано:
кусок английского текста~Perxio 6 hours ago
Okay, let's get this clear before I continue with my post: I love slash. I love pairings in general. I roll with a sadistic, completely non-mutual, abusive pairing of Shen and Po not out of my own enjoyment but because it's a morbid idea that can give me total creeped-out fascination when done well. I have seen one short drabble fanfic that had done so, and I'm rather ashamed to say I loved it. I don't think it'd ever happen in by any stretch of the imagination, nor would I want it to, but to indulge in my darker side, I like it. So it's not that I don't like the "pairing" or the idea behind this, it's simply and purely the manner you went about approaching it. If you had made the characters actually...you know, look like themselves, I'd be pretty much all for this.
Nice generic kawaii desu animu bishies there. Sure we're watching the same movie? I'm pretty the entire driving force of the first movie's plot was taking a thirty-year-old obese fanboy and molding him into the greatest kung fu warrior in ancient China, so a skeletal prepubescent boy that is supposed to be "Po" here doesn't fit him. I love that you skillfully made who Po is by simply adding dark rings under his eyes, rather than giving him anything that would match his real design. Protip: when converting animal characters into human ones, you do NOT draw generic anime character and add a color or pattern and say 'this is so and so', because various traits of the animal character can be translated onto a human version.
For example, Po could have...you know, stayed chubby. Which he is. That's part of his character. That's what made everyone think he couldn't do it in the first movie: he was too fat. Then he was seemingly airheaded, but the first complaint from everyone was that he was a fat guy, with a "fat butt, flabby arms, and no regard for personal hygiene". And oh, you did a marvelous job moving that to this skinny child in this pic. In fact, he doesn't have anything on him. Look at that. His arms are sticks. Even if he lost weight in the second movie, he's still a kung. fu. warrior. Crane could get away with being skinny but he'd still have some muscle on him because all of those characters are...you know, not wasting away being someone's sexii uke~*. Po's fighting style isn't what Crane does, which wouldn't require a lot of brute strength (since it is mostly deflecting and turning the power of a foe against him). Po is a hands-on fighter. He'd need muscle. This kid has no muscle. At all. Like, not even for kung fu, I mean for survival.
Also, the kid's eyes, even in "your style", would not be that far apart from each other. If you go to one high school drawing class, you learn basic human facial structure.
Look, I never, never comment on pics like this. I'll glance at the thumbnail on the new uploads page for KFP that makes me go "...wat DDD:" and not even click on it, just move on. But having to wade through so much of stuff like this has made me snap. I'll start doing more harmless constructive critique, but I've reached the breaking point. I like the idea, I like the pose, I don't like that you did absolutely nothing to make the characters look like themselves. A little red on 'Shen' with three gimpy feathers, dark circles around 'Po's eyes. Erase those and look and ask people, without hinting, who these guys are. You are not going to advance as an artist if you take an easy route: by making cookie cutter characters. And that's what you did. I have nothing against using an anime style because it can be done well, but here you've done exactly what you shouldn't have done: take an incredibly generic copypaste style, add a few chickenscratches of color and say 'this is so and so, take my word for it!' That's not how art works.Словом, не дали ребенку развлечься и попытаться насладится лаврами. А я же говорил, что По у меня не похож. Я же говорил х)) не умею я толстячков рисовать *вздох* А с другой стороны - ну какая разница. Я уже давно не рассматриваю рисование, как что-то в чем собираюсь преуспеть.
(ц)итаты и (с)сылки,
В общем, если вкратце, то этот человек (достаточно вежливо, надо заменить) через критику непохожести нарисованных тобой персонажей высказал свое недовольство тем, что ты приложила к этому очень мало усилий. Причем так уж вышло, что на твоей работе он выпустил пар в отношении всех художников, которые его этим не удовлетворяют.
Ну, это очень сжатый пересказ. Детали нужны?
К слову, вот это моя карма просто - на мне не раз уже выговаривались. Хотя один раз таки это дало очень хороший стимул к самосовершенствованию.
Хочу сказать, что тут не особенно жесткая критика, если что. Но я не знаю, насколько близко к сердцу ты воспринимаешь критику, а потому помолчу, если не попросишь х)
Собственно, насчет самосовершенствования этот человек тоже упоминал, говоря, что для этого тебе нужно вкладывать больше стараний.
И не расстраивайся, в кого из нас никогда не кидали камнем недовольства?
Эх, я б даже принял это к сведению, если бы действительно хотел рисовать лучше х)
Да и что тут расстраиваться.) артец там был не сахар, так что человечек прав.